Thursday, August 20, 2015

Photography Upload #1

The Invitation
 This is my first picture I have taken in this class. I call this picture "the invitation" I took this picture because I enjoyed the way the door was slightly open, like it is inviting you in. This picture to me is very creepy, and has a horror factor. I added the black and white filter and extra contrast to give the picture a worn down, menacing vibe.

 Metal Sunset
 This picture is called "Metal Sunset" I choose this picture because i liked the clashing of the rusted old background, and the sharp metal edges. I decided to call it Metal Sunset because the background reminds of a gorgeous sunset. I was inspired by Andy Warhol, and 50's pop art for this, this is my favorite picture I have taken so far.

Vintage Work
This picture I found on the back of a piece of Machinery in the junk yard, it was quite a hard picture to take, but I am very pleased with my result. this picture was inspired by vintage road signs from the 50's and 60's. This picture is vintage looking without being to worn down and looking like trash, which I like.

I Hope You Enjoyed 

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