Monday, August 31, 2015

Photography Upload #2

 This photo was taken out side in the junk yard. i took it because I liked the font of the sign and I liked the irony of it, because the sign says "End School Zone" but the sign is at school and on campus. I like this photo because of the sharp geometric edges the wood has. i also like the shadow that is cast.
 I took this picture above the stairs in a dirt area. I thought that this piece of trash was very interesting and i liked the colors of the packaging and i like how to happy new looking bubbles looked against the dirty decomposing ground. the picture is contrasting, not in the colors but with the opposites of the subject matter.
This picture was taken in the library here. I liked how the scattered puzzle pieces looked, with all the different colors scattered around the frame. also i like this picture because i tried something new and used a fish eye lens to take this picture.


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